See! I was right. SPAIN WON THE EURO 2012 FINALS! Woohoo~~ so happy for them. And for the fact that my team won against my sister's team
(★^O^★) Anyways, this morning I just had my second last exam. Which means in *beep* more days I will be home. It's very relieving to know that after 6 months of being in this hectic town called Je-kar-dah, I am finally going to be home. For how long? TWO AND A HALF MONTHS! Yessssshhhh. So much win! And since I'm so excited, I've packed my clothes since last week!
(´∇ノ`*)ノ And since my final examination is coming to an end, that means semester 2 is coming to an end and that officially means I have finished my first year out of the 3,5 years of uni. Whoa! Time does fly fast. Well, I just gotta hang in there a little while more and in no time I'll be out of Indonesia already. Amen!Semester 2 - coming to an end
My (small) Suitcase, It's kinda bizarre though, how I am actually having a holiday for two and a half month but all I carry is this small suitcase and my campus bag. And I have quite a lot of things to bring and yet I don't know how.
Inside My (small) Suitcase
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